Stories and Information about Ylläs - Destination Lapland
Destination Lapland is an adventure house in the Ylläs area, which offers not only high quality accommodation but also a variety of excellent activities. Coming here is like coming to another home. All’s well when the cabin’s well.
Ylläs, Yllas, Äkäslompolo, Akaslompolo, Ylläsjärvi, Yllasjarvi, Ylläs-Pallas, Pallas-Ylläs, Kansallispuisto, Lappi, Lapland, Finland, Suomi, cabins, cabin, vacation home, holiday home, rental, mökkit, mökki, mökkejä, loma-asunto, vuokra, vuokra-mökki, loma, vacation, winter, winter wonderland, winter holiday, winter vacation, talviloma, skiing, laskettelu, cross country skiin, murtomaanhiihto, snowmobile, snowmobiling, snowscooter, moottorikelkka, moottorikelkkailu, husky, husky safari, husky tour, dog sledding, koiravaljakko, huskyretki, horse, horse back riding, sleigh ride, horses, hevoset, hevosretki, ratsastus, rekiajelu, reindeer, reindeer safari, poro, porosafari, pilkkiretki, ice fishing, snow village, lumikylä, lainio, game of thrones, northern lights, aurora borealis, revontuli, revontulet, ruksa, kevät, kesä, keskiyönaurinko, aurinko, lumi, tykkylumi, autumn, spring, summer, midsummer sun, snow, accommodation, majoitus, tours, activities, ohjelmapalvelu, retki, kalastus, fishing
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Book of nature

My home village, Äkäslompolo, has always been popular with nature travelers. The fells and forests surrounding the village invite you to ski and hike.

Alongside traditional sports, there are many new modes of exercise and moving in nature. Cross-country cafes, paths and trails are no longer the property of skiers and hikers, nowadays electric bikes, freestyle skiers and snowshoeers can come your way just as often.

New means of transport create new routes and new opportunities. A journey in nature consists of small things. A good rule of thumb is “look but not touch” – especially in the summer. The footprint of the snowshoe in the snow doesn’t weigh much and the free skier in the powder either. But the fat bike on delicate heather plants is another thing.

Nature gives us a lot, but needs a lot right now. Small gestures are needed to keep nature – our sanctuary – pleasant for everyone to walk and watch.

Pave Maijanen sings in his song about yearning: “Like a small fairy tale you believed in as a child, lost is its glow completely. Or like a beautiful landscape that maybe never even existed. ”

To avert the yearning and to maintain the glow, we must move wisely in nature and give space to nature and not to man.

Mökkikirja Nr. 9 (fin)Mökkikirja Nr. 9 (fin)

Looking out at the horizon is a memory from the past

Kindred spirits

The story of the village and family of Äkäslompolo dates back to 1748, when the ancestor of the family, Taneli Tanelinpoika and Kirsti Juhontytär, settled in the present Tano house. Äkäslompolo also became the home village of Juho Pudas and Matilda Koskenniemi, when they founded their home in 1878 around the deserted Kaula-farm. The Kaulanen family was born.

As a decendant of both families, Äkäslompolo and Kaulanen, I strongly feel the ties to my ancestors in my blood. For us, the Lappish people, there is no unknown fell at the horizon, nor is there an unknown river flowing through the land, but nature is still here.

Like Taneli once, I too often look at the horizon. I see and experience nature as strong. It gives me great joy. It gives me strength to continue, as I hear the joy of customers on the ice of Lake Äkäslompolo when the Northern Lights are dancing in the sky. The life of Taneli and Juho was harsh, but my life is good. For me all is good, as long as I see joy sparkling in the eyes and red on the cheeks of my guest.

This is how the story of Äkäslompolo continues and it continues as long as you, nature’s friend, come to visit our part of this world.

Thank you for coming, come again.

Find out more about the story of our village in our “Mökkikirja” about kindred spirits.

Mökkikirja Nr. 7 (fin)Mökkikirja Nr. 7 (fin)

Thoughts about nature

Eight seasons

Four seasons are not enough in Lapland, as nature changes constantly and rapidly. For example, in spring it is the time for snow to melt and ice to break. In the old days the differences between the times of spring were vital. Some chores could only be done during the short time when the snow cover was strong enough to carry people or reindeer. You had to be awake and aware or you would miss out.

In this “Mökkikirja” we have compiled stories of how the villagers, in the old days, lived with the rythm of the eight seasons. They opened the tracks for tourism in Ylläs and all of Lapland. Nowadays, for many people in the village the eight seasons mirror the rythm of tourist seasons.

One thing has not changed. The Lappish nature gets a grip on people, affects all their senses. It leaves nobody cold. Come for example to Lapland when it’s time for the ice to break on the rivers and feel how the ice also leaves you.

Welcome to a vacation in your own season of the year!

Mökkikirja Nr. 5Mökkikirja Nr. 5

Order our “Mökkikirja”

Small deeds are a courtesy to nature

My beloved landscapes

I started photography again after a long break about 10 years ago. Photos of the best moments inspire me to the next excursion. As I sense nature, there is an increasing emphasis on the feeling that human life is a journey where the boundaries are now very close.

I look at the world from the edge of the fells or over a calm lake, and my thoughts drift to the past. The life of my ancestors was about surviving the next winter. Trips into nature always had a meaning. The barren fells brought the grouse and the cold lake the fish.

The modern man no longer has to survive the winter, as in many places winter does no longer exist. My pictures of winter are for many people in the 21st century pictures from long gone days, a time when winter was still winter and the snow was deep. Man has now defeated winter and emptied the rugged fells, but he no longer knows about the future. The photographer is worried about the subject he captures with his camera and is increasingly looking at the horizon.

Browse through our catalogue and come on a journey with me. Although our “Mökkikirja” is in Finnish, my pictures tell more than a thousand words: nature needs our support.

How would you, my client and friend of nature, want to support me in that?

Mökkikirja Nr. 8 (fin)Mökkikirja Nr. 8 (fin)

An eternal bond

Wandering free

What if you could not go to the forest? Would you go crazy? Even the Swiss travel to Finland, to go into the forest. The Finnish forest could be a source of energy for people around the world and through that an inexhaustible source of income for the Finns. True green gold. Blocking the way to wealth and sustainable tourism is only one stone: Finland is stuck somewhere in the early days of industrialization. It seems that only cubics, tons and megawatts have a meaning. Even the forestry seems to care only about reaching its targets by all means. On a field of lumber no owl hoots, no cuckoo cuckoos and no man rejoices.

We live in the 21st century. Adventures have also a meaning in Euros. Would it be time to change the Lappish economic forests into experience forests? Let’s learn from the people of the past. They just took what they needed from nature. Also today people need recreation. Nature gives us the space for it freely, awaits passers by with open arms.

Come hiking through the Lappish forests under the midsummer. Nature will leave its mark on you. The mark is the voice of nature.

Mökkikirja Nr. 6 (fin)Mökkikirja Nr. 6 (fin)

Ice also leaves the human being

Do you dream of days with pure white snow and cosy evenings at the log cabin by the fireplace? Waiting for a holiday is like a twinkling shingle in a dirty wall – a small warm light illuminating your everyday life. Can you already see the fells and feel their quiet, soothing presence?

Subscribe to our brochure, follow our adventures in Lapland, read our stories from Äkäslompolo and plan a journey that leaves a mark in you.

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