Snowshoe /
Northern Light
Our journey heads to the southern end of Äkäsjärvi Lake, a very scenic place, where we will have plenty of time to stroll around in search of the magical “Aurora Borealis”. Äkäsmylly has a long history of being an ancient place for fishing and resting. Also signs of Stone Age life have been found there. We walk over deep, untouched snow, close to the open Äkäsjoki River and marvel at the silence of the Lappish night, broken only by the flow of the river, a heartbeat, or the click of a camera. Here, under an open sky, so very often filled with the brightest of stars, we hope that the natural phenomena of the Northern Lights will also make an appearance. During the evening we enjoy sautéed reindeer meal at Äkäsmylly before we heading back to Äkäslompolo.
Thu at 18:00 (09.12.24-16.02.25)
Thu at 18:30 (17.02.-12.04.25)
4 hours
129 € / adult
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